
Since 2010, 248 new public access sites have been added or improved in the Chesapeake

十大赌博正规老平台协会, we believe that when people feel connected to the Bay, they’ll be more likely to be inspired to help take care of this national treasure, by voting for elected officials who care about the environment, or maybe even by inspiring the next generation of conservation leaders who could commit their careers to restoring the health of the Chesapeake. 去探索切萨皮克, residents 和 visitors first need places where they can access it. With 98% of the Chesapeake’s shorelines in private ownership, the Conservancy has made it a priority to partner with the National Park Service Chesapeake Bay Office to develop 和 enhance public access along the John Smith Chesapeake Trail as participation in fishing, 划独木舟, kayaking 和 other 娱乐al activities continues to grow.

By working with the National Park Service 和 local partners to establish 和 improve public access facilities for the John Smith 切萨皮克国家历史步道, we are helping visitors get out on the water 和 view the same l和scapes Captain John Smith experienced over 400 years ago. These partner efforts strive to fill in the gaps in access identified in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed 公共访问 Plan. This plan emerged as a way to reach the goal put forth in the President’s Executive Order (EO) of adding 300 new public access sites across the watershed by 2025. 的保护 was the lead non-profit advocate for inclusion of this goal in the Executive Order 和 is the lead advocate for the National Park Service’s Chesapeake Bay Gateways 和 Watertrails program, which provides grants to create new public access areas in the watershed. So far, 248 sites have been added since 2010.

The 十大赌博正规老平台 和 partners cut the ribbon on a fishing pier 和 soft launch in Port Royal, 维吉尼亚州 (资料来源:Hill Welford).

的保护 also partners with other organizations to promote public access to rivers 和 streams whenever bridges are built or re-built. In 2013, the Conservancy led a coalition of conservationists, 皮划艇运动员, 垂钓者, 公民, 娱乐 和 heritage tourism groups 和 local governments in advocating for a 水路通行条例草案 在马里兰州. 几乎全票通过, this new law will promote safe 和 reasonable canoe, kayak 和 fishing access along Maryl和’s bridges 和 roadways. 了解更多 关于这次胜利. In addition, the Conservancy 和 its partners also waterway-access-letter to the Governors of Bay states 和 the Mayor of Washington, D.C. urging them to take action on this important issue.


虽然, 当然, there is no substitute for getting out 和 seeing first-h和 the beauty of the Chesapeake 和 its great rivers, or how awesome it is to see an osprey dive 和 catch a fish, or a great blue heron stalk its prey — the reality is that in today’s world people are busy. They don’t always have the time or perhaps the access to go out 和 see these things first-h和.

New technology offers us the chance to bring the Chesapeake to the public like never before.  在十大赌博正规老平台协会, we have embraced technology as a way of engaging people with conservation efforts.  We use it to connect people to the Chesapeake Bay 和 its great rivers through programs such as our 十大赌博正规老平台 和 河景 app, which provides virtual tours of the Chesapeake Trail.

The 十大赌博正规老平台  partnered with Terrain360 to produce 360-degree virtual tours of some of the Great Rivers of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Terrain360 travels downriver in a custom-made pontoon boat equipped with six cameras to capture images along the length of the rivers. The virtual tours allow viewers to see first-h和 what a paddling experience or other adventure on the rivers might be like. The maps produced from the images include information on public access points, 历史, 娱乐, 和 points of conservation value along the river. They allow people to explore the Chesapeake Trail from their screens – whether phone, tablet, or PC.

Chesapeake Gateways 和 Watertrails Network

The Gateways program has allowed the National Park Service (NPS) Chesapeake Bay Office to provide approximately $22 million in financial 和 technical assistance for more than 360 projects in communities across the watershed, improving Bay access 和 fueling our thriving outdoor 娱乐 economy.

我们是该公司的主要合伙人 NPS切萨皮克湾办事处他倡导为gateway提供资金.